Sunday, June 7, 2009

the first blog thingy

So I just started this blog-thing and I have no idea what I'm doing at all. But it pulls up this typing thing so I'm typing something. I have no idea what this is gonna look like or if it's gonna show up on the actual blog- heck, I have pretty much no idea what a blog even IS- but they told me to type something, so that's what I'm doing. The End


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great first post Sarsah! I'm excited to hear what else you have to say.

  3. Great first post Sarsah! I'm excited to hear what you have to say.

  4. you are so funny! I am excited to read your blog and keep up with your summer. WE love ya over here at the Mellenthin home.

  5. Ah Sar... er, Migilicuty, welcome to blogging! You're gonna love it! Maybe.
    But you're off to a great start!


SERIOUSLY, people? What is the point of blogging if nobody comments? If you can't think of anything to say about the post, THEN JUST SAY "HI"!

Have a nice day.

